
I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!

I realize that this wasn't on my original list, but it is something that I have never done before, something I have always wanted to do. I INHALED HELIUM. COOL RIGHT? Last night was our blue and gold banquet for cub scouts and I saw some kids doing it so I snagged a balloon from a little girl and I DID IT!!! (Sorry Mom, I know you always told us not to). I felt a little constricted in my chest after and lucky for me there was a doctor on the scene (I just wanted to be sure that I wasn't going to die or anything, wouldn't that tick you off if it turned out that your Mom was right)??? and he said that I was fine and wondered how I had ever made it through childhood without inhaling helium. I AM A VERY OBEDIENT CHILD.


Cindy said...

You are so funny and you have a flare for writing! I have to say I don't remember inhaling helium, but I know a lot of people who have and I think it affected their brain! LOL! ha!

Brianna said...

HAHAHA! I agree with Cindy - your writing is hilarious (I guess that means you have a way with words?) Anyway, I think I might have done that twice in my life and it scares me - my voice isn't supposed to be like that and it isn't a little creepy that something we can inhale can cause that? Anyway, when is your Target trip!? Looking forward to that post for sure.

And yes, Emily should still be like seven. Buttttttttt, she is turning 16 in April! Holy moly, huh! And Alyssa just turned 12. No more kids in primary. The other day I called home and Alyssa answered and I thought she was Emily the whole time. And half the time when Emily answers I think it is my mom. Why do we all have to grow up!?

Jami Heward said...

....I can't keep up with your coolness

Hartleys said...

I have also never inhaled helium...weird. :) I am sure you have a busy couple of weeks ahead of you - let me know how I can help!