
You Know You Have A Two Year Old When...

1. The toilet paper in your house is pulled all the way down to the floor.

2. You curse the garbage man for being too loud in the fear of them waking your child up.

3. Your eyeliner is more often used for kitty faces, then for lining your eyes.

4. It takes about 20 minutes to get out the door when you are already ready to go.

5. It takes 10 minutes to get out the driveway when you are already in the car.

6. You find yourself singing "This Old Man" while you are grocery shopping. . .alone.

7. You change not only your children's diapers and clothes but also those of all the dolls in your house.

8. Find yourself asking what your child's doll would like for lunch.

9. You get reprimanded and told "Oh Bugger" is a bad word.

10. You feel as those you constantly wear a black and white stripped shirt with a whistle.

11. Every step you take in the kitchen results in the crunching of cereal.

12. You eat more imaginary food than you do real food.

13. You base who you see most often on who your kid likes the most and plays with the best. (I would love to see the mall and Hobby Lobby more, but two years olds don't play nice with Hobby Lobby)

14. You have vowed never to paint your fingernails again in their presence, it is too diasterous.

15. You laugh everday of your life, and thank Heavenly Father everyday for the blessing of being a mother.

You've got to love it.


Adrianna said...

awww that's cute. And even not being a mother of a two year old, but a nanny of a two year old, a lot of those apply (with a few exceptions).

Stephanie said...

How about when you have to spell words to your spouse like fruit snacks or zoo or park so as not to start a riat if the answer is no, there is more food on the floor after a meal then in your childs tummy, or your grocery list is overtaken grandma yogurt, ranch, chocholate milk, and fruit snacks, the entire diet of your two year old but it seems no matter how much you buy you're always on you last one or out.


Stacey said...


J and M said...

I thought you said you weren't good at imagination things..........if you are eating pretend food more than real food, you've joined the ranks!

I love the crunchy kitchen floor. Why mop and sweep? (I just did and it's filthy in two seconds)..........