
Garage Sale Addict Annoyomous

This message is to all those who find their lives deteriorating (or at least their driving skills) because of garage sales. I am addicted to garage sales. But I believe their is hope to overcome (aka Winter). The signs of my addiction is apparent on three different levels.

Level 1: Whenever I see a sign I have to turn, it is almost involuntary. I could be going 45 mph and slam on the brakes to be able to turn. I did this once and my brakes squealed and I felt a little embarrassed.

Level 2: If I have looked in the paper or on craigslist for a garage sale I have to be there right when it starts. I have this phobia kind of anxiety attached to my addiction that if I am late someone will buy all the good stuff.

Level 3: Now this is by far the worst and most telling that I have garage sales way too high on a priority list. I stooped so low as to clean out "precious penny" (see photo) to have money for a garage sale. Now "precious penny" is Jeff's pride and joy! At the end of each day he puts the change he finds on the ground in it. It is a most reverenced item in our household.

They say the first step is recognition, but isn't the second DeNiaL? Ha Ha


Kim said...

I love precious penny! And I share your addiction.

Alissa said...

you crazy head!

Cindy said...

Hi Stephanie!! This is Cindy Payne! I too have a blog!!
I love your post! I too am a garage sale addict and I am going through withdrawals at the close of the season!
I love Penny, she is so cute!!
You can view my blog from Kim's!
Can I add you?

Jami Heward said...

HAHAHAHA! Thats suck a freakin crack up! Get help fast!!

Jami Heward said...

Umm that was suppose to say "such." haha my bad

J and M said...

I have to admit, that at first I thought this would be a post about the thing you got at a garage sale (precious penny). I honor you Jeff, and precious penny seems a bit scary!


Amanda said...

Hey there-
I understand the whole garage sale thing. To help me I make a list of things we need at the beginning of the summer. That then becomes my shopping list and I try to stick to it. By the way I'm so glad you have a blog, I hope you don't mind me adding you to our list of friends. Congrats on the second baby.