I guess I figured it was still too early in Lauren's life to have her own will when it comes to clothing choices, but I guess not. Yesterday I opened the dryer and pulled out the green hoodie, a white onesie and a pair of khakis for Lauren to wear. Lauren appeared out of nowhere and pulled out her hawaiian dress. Whatever, I thought I'll just let her wear the dress because we're not really going anywhere. So I put the dress on, but she wanted to wear the hoodie too. I didn't fight with her because I just got over a bout of the wrathful stomach. (phrase from Marni and Jon) Then she tried to put the pants on herself. Today she picked out a purple sock and a red sock for me to put on her.
This little ladybelle is such a stinker. She was playing with her stars and when the music would start she would shake her head really fast, until she got really dizzy looking. She does it just a little bit in the video but not to the extent she was before I got the camera. Oh by the way I got picture tagged. You are supposed to post the fourth picture in the fourth folder, but my fourth folder only had two pictures in it, so I consider myself exempt from the tag!!