
Naming Game

One of the things that scares me during pregnancy is the looming idea of picking out a name. Some people can pick out a name on day one and stick with the whole pregnancy. Why would they make a pregnant woman who is emotional and short of brain power pick out a name that their child will be called for the rest of their life. Sometimes people hear a name and think "WHAT WERE THEIR PARENTS THINKING." I'm telling you it is not a good combination.

For example #1: The other night I was trying to think of an N name. (Because we have an L, M and I thought it would be cute to have an N next. The problem was I couldn't think of any. Low Brain power.

Example #2: On Friday I heard the name Kent. I thought that it would be a cute name. (Yes, I realize that it is not an N name, but then it could go J, K, L, M. Get it)? Anyway I was trying to think of a middle name. Clarke is a family name and I really want to use it so I was saying in my head "Kent Clarke" hmmm..."Clarke Kent" that sounds familiar for some reason....Oh yeah. SUPERMAN. I guess that name is out.

AHHHHH.....So much responsibility.


Alissa said...

SOmeone in my ward just named their boy Stetson. I thought of you.

Matt and Maggie said...

I love two names that I don't think my hubby will ever let me use. Nathanael, who, in the Bible, the Savior says "has no guile". And another name I adore is Gideon. Another good biblical story, but I mostly love Gideon of the book of Mormon. The faithful teacher who stands up to the Anti-Christ and gets martyred.

I'm sure the name you choose is the exact name your son is waiting for. :)

Elise said...

Haha, I love the Superman name. Joel's middle name is Wayne and he kept trying to convince me to name Everett Bruce Wayne, like Batman. Obviously we didn't :). Don't worry, you'll think of something great!

Meredith said...

I'm with you on this... the responsibility of naming has always freaked me out, too. I'm sure you'll pick a good one, though!

J and M said...

Ned, the brachiosaurus from Dinosaur train (probably is out). Niles, Nigel, Neal, Norman, Nathan, Nathaniel......... (: Narnia. Haha! I think Kent Clarke could have some super powers in your family!

Stacey said...

I thought I should do the alphabetical thing too since I had a J, an L and a M name, so Annabelle should have started with a K but I gave up and realized no one was going to notice. I think it's funny that you and I both thought of it though. How about Kolin, normally spelled with a C, but we can change it can't we? Kolin Clarke Songster. I like it. This is why I never pick a name until I have the kid in my arms, it's just easier for me to picture them with the name I've chosen.