1. In ninth grade I stapled my finger on purpose to see if it would hurt. It did.
2. I stick candy wrappers in the couch cushions. Or just throw them on the floor.
3. I have had an Italian soda almost everyday for two weeks.
4. I somehow graduated from high school without taking a world history class and sometimes when people talk about history I have no idea what they are talking about.
5. I like to eat macaroni and cheese cold.
6. I'm scared of going into a new building (ex: doctor's office, community centers, schools) because I think I'll get lost or I'll do it wrong (if there is a way to actually find your way wrong? (If that makes any sense? (So I always give myself some extra time ))).
7. I usually only like books or movies if there is a love story involved.
8. I didn't get asked to prom junior or senior year. In fact I don't think I ever really got asked out on a date until after I graduated from high school.
9. I daydream about having hundreds of pairs of heels. Lined up lovely on shelves of course.
10. Jeff and I had our first kiss before our first date.
11. I cried watching "Cars" today. You know the part where Lightening McQueen stops to help "The King." Gets me every time.
12. I hate washing windows.
13. I had headgear that I had to wear at night when I was a teenager.
14. I still use my fingers to count. (Only the hard ones like 7+5 and 8+5).
15. I love to eat laffy taffys becuase its candy and entertainment. (But only the pink kind).
16. I think that I am a little bit psychic. For real.
Changes :)
12 years ago
You crack me up! I had head gear too!
loved seeing you the other night! You look fabulous! And I love your blog!
This post made me laugh! Which one did I like the best? You tell me--you're the psychic one!
Oddly, no of that surprised me. It all makes perfect sense for you.
Funny! I'm always scared to knock on the door if I've never been to that person's house before. I've never been wrong, but I can imagine how embarrassing it would be if I was! Yum italian sodas!
How'd you kiss each other before a date?!
Fun post, fun post.
I'm learning so much about you! Are you still reading the Help? What do you think? I don't remember a love story though.
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