
Things I hate

1. Forgetting to set our clocks back and show up at church an hour early. When we pulled in I said "There aren't very many cars here for 9:00 o'clock and 11:00 o'clock church." And when we were walking in the halls I wondered why there were so many people, but it didn't click until I walked into the nursery and saw a bunch of kids that were not in our ward. So Lame.

2. I hate beef jerky, or deer jerky. Just the smell makes me so nauseous.

3. I hate falling asleep before I have done my bedtime business. (washing face, brushing teeth, praying).

4. I hate waking up at 2:00am to do bedtime business when I have falling asleep before doing bedtime business.

5. I hate having headaches everyday.

6. I hate how quickly and thoroughly addicted I get to things. (Italian Soda, HGTV, Glee (which I said I was giving up, but I'm on the wagon again), Scarecrow and Mrs. King).

7. I hate that whenever I borrow anything from anybody it winds up broken. You have been warned. Loan at your own risk.

8. I hate getting back from the grocery store and then realize that I forgot something.

9. I hate fish, all kinds.

10. I hate that I eat too much and then feel like I'm going to throw-up all night. (While typing this I am eating a cookie, after I have already had a big dinner and dessert).

11. I hate that whenever I have company the food never turns out like it should.

12. I hate being startled awake. I feel jittery and nervous for like a half-hour.

13. I hate returning things to the store. It is such a hassle.

14. I hate that apartments don't have a ceiling light in the living room.

15. I hate math. Hate. Hate. Hate.

16. I hate all the new songs by Tim McGraw

17. I hate going out to dinner and end up getting mediocre food. If I wanted mediocre food I would have stayed home and made dinner.

18. I hate the bitter winds of winter.

19. I hate the smell of gas fireplaces.

20. I hate getting stains on new clothes.


Brianna said...

Steph, I love you! You seriously make me laugh. My favorite (well there were lots of them) was about the "getting mediocre food when going out to eat." HOW ANNOYING. Really? I could have made the same meal for like 1/5 the price.

Kori said...

Totally agree on some of those--making my own mediocre dinner...totally funny (and true for me:)) I also get totally bugged when I have other people's stuff longer than I need it. I can't even keep my own stuff safe!

Tasha said...

I think we're all in the same boat. I definitely hate the forgetting things at the grocery store and the preparing dinner for others. I thought dinner was great, by the way, so I hope you weren't talking about last night. Thanks for having us over. We had a lot of fun. It seems as though we bring out the crazy in your kids, though;)

Alissa said...

I haven't let you borrow anything lately, have I???
You do get addicted to things easily don't you,?
Why are you doing Math?
You may not like the smell of a gas fireplace but I sure do like the warmth of an instant fire. ahhhh.

ps. I think you are right about the cream cheese. I didn't even realize it.

Kori said...

Hey again--I am finishing up pre-reqs to go into nursing. Can't say my timing is the best, but we are surviving:)

melbel said...

Had no idea you were at church an hour early! My phone remembered for me (it changed by itself) or I would have been right with you! I eat too much, and being pregnant, it's even worse how bad I feel afterwards. Yet I still haven't learned and I veg on the sofa every night sick from eating too much. And I munch a lot too. Even when I'm not hungry.

I love your snippets of life and should do something like that when nothing else is going on!

Stacey said...

I think a lot of those things are genetic. I also hate fish, returning things, get addicted easily, and I absolutely hate falling asleep before bedtime business is done. I've also forgotten to set my clocks to the right time although this was in the spring and I was an hour late, so be glad you were early. Have you ever gone to a doctor about your headaches? And by the way, the dinner we had at your house was very yummy, so I would like to come when it turns out the way you want it to because then it would be even yummier, right?

Matt and Maggie said...

I agree with #12! You go girl.

Randall said...

About those headaches. I used to get them all the time and they always turned into migraines. Turned out im allergic to onions and garlic which mom uses all the time. Maybe you have a food allergy? By the way I cant wait to see you!!!!!

Elise said...

I agree with number 14. What is the deal with that!!!

Well, I pretty much agree with all of these. I get addicted to things easily too, and I can't stand returning things at stores.