
Photo of a Beached Whale

I thought that I would post this for those of you who haven't seen me pregnant, in case you are curious. I am 37 weeks today so I figured I should hurry and put up the picture before I have the baby since I'm planning on having her on Monday :) However Jeff and I decided that if we had a Valentine's Day baby we could be in the newspaper and an added bonus being that Jeff wouldn't have to plan a Valentine's Day for at least 18 years because it would be our girl's birthday. That would be good for Jeff because he does tend to struggle with the concept of Valentine's Day (Hence the reason I am blogging on Valentine's Day, just kidding, we went bowling and got ice cream on an afternoon date).


Kim said...

Beached whale??? whatever..don't you look so darling! I love your hair! Hope all goes well with your MOnday plans.

Stacey said...

uh, can we say tiny. You really can't get that big when you start out so small to begin with. You do look like the baby's dropped though, I'm still betting you go another week at least.

J and M said...

Nice try with the beached whale comment. More like beached sea horse (:

We know the valentine's day struggles.......