
Colored Tights

The purchase of colored tights was one of my New Year's resolutions. So I saw some at Target that were on clearance that were a kind of mustardy yellow. I wore them with a blue and white flowered skirt, a blue shirt, and camel colored boots. I thought it looked kind of cool and with the reassurance of Jeff that it looked good, I went to church. After sacrament meeting I asked one of the young women in our ward what she thought of  my colored tights (since she was the one who encouraged me to get some), and she said that when she saw them she wondered what was wrong with my legs. Pretty awful spray tan or something like that. So colored tights equals epic fail.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahahhahaha I totally laughed aloud! Too funny. I bought some cute colored tights at Target this winter, also on clearance, that are like...neon robin egg blue. Does that description make sense? So I got all bold one Sunday and wore them with a black pencil skirt, a black and white striped shirt, a hot pink cardigan, and then black boots. Andy said I looked fine (should have taken that hint)...yeah, I looked absolutely stupid. So much for trying to be trendy haha! - Brianna