
Perhaps I'm egotistical

Perhaps I am egotistical. Frequently in the last few months I have seen some sort of advertising or billboard or logo that I have, frankly, found hideous or lame. Who passed off these decisions. I certainly wouldn't have. I feel like I need to have a desk where I'll put seal of approval on all major redesign and advertising ideas. It reminds me of a quote from You've Got Mail where Joe Fox's girlfriend Patricia is talking about Kathleen Kelly "Her taste is flawless, if she likes it sells. PERIOD." Of course she was referencing books, but I like to think the same applies to me. (Hence the egotistical heading). Here are just a few examples. 1. Village Inn's new colors and signs. UGLY 2. A kitty litter ad where a cat looks like it needs to go to the bathroom and can't find the litter box. When I see that ad I think "so the if I buy this kitty litter, than my cat is going to pee on my carpet because it can't smell the litter box?????" 3. I sometimes go as far as criticizing roads and city planning. Like "why didn't they put an entrance here, that would make much more sense?" And of course the decision of speed limits. 4. The layout of some grocery stores. Bakers for instance 5. The pictures in cookbooks. The recipes sound good until I see the picture. These are just some examples that I can think of right off the top of my head. And every time I see something like this I think "YOU SHOULD HAVE ASKED ME? DON'T YOU KNOW THAT MY OPINIONS ARE THE BEST." This post comes as no surprise to the people who know me. But for those of you who don't know me as well; don't be scared of me. I'm not as critical as I seem. I'll only tell you the truth if you want it.


Chanda said...

I definitely agree with the Village Inn colors - they gross.

Jill and Andy said...

Ha ha! I think the same thing every time I see that kitty litter commercial. You definitely don't want a cat who can't find its litterbox. I am also critical of ads. I could do much better than some of the ad writers out there. Are we going to become grouchy old ladies who sit around complaining about everything? Is it complaining if we're right?

Amber said...

Stephanie, you are hilarious! I'm excited to be able to hang out again once we move back to Omaha, but only if you say nice things about my house :) BTW, is Lauren going to be in preschool in the fall? I signed Makenna up at Happy Face.

Stacey said...

I do the same thing. I watch commercials and I think really, who are these advertising "genuises" that came up with this lame idea? And why are they getting paid so much? They need me. I don't always know what would be better, but I know what doesn't work, and you're right, the cat thing doesn't work. Burger King commercials with the "king" in them drive me nuts. Ask Greg I do the same thing with just about everything, although I am not as vocal to everyone as you are. :)

Amber said...

I think Makenna will be in a different class than Lauren :( She is going to be in the 3 year old class, which only meets twice a week. (MW...I think) We are going to be living on about 180th and Dodge. Is that anywhere near you??