

I'll quickly update my blog for those of you who have been nagging me (hmm...Marni). So I pose a very serious question. A couple of weeks ago Jeff was babysitting for our friends and their daughter is potty trained, but needed help wiping after she went poops. Well Jeff has never helped someone go potty before so he was pretty clueless. So Jeff gets a couple squares of toilet paper and starts to fold it, and she told him not to fold but to bunch it.

When Jeff was telling this story I started laughing and said that he was probably one of the only people who folded their toilet paper. He disagreed and now the question is posed to you.
ARE YOU A BUNCHER OR A FOLDER???????? Leave your comments here.


Elise said...

I'm a buncher, through and through, and proud of it!

Stacie said...

I'm a folder...never knew there was a different way. Bunching seems like it could get messy.

Caitlin said...

I've done many studies (asked literally almost 100 people) and the common trend is that men fold and women crumple.

Tasha said...

It depends on the type of toliet paper. For the cheapo, really thin stuff I'm a folder, bt for the better stuff I'm a buncher

Hartleys said...

Love this post and have been waiting for it for a while!!! LOL

First of all, who is this OCD child who had to have her toilet paper a certain way???!? Hmmmm.....that's the real question.

(And since it was ME that trained her and helps her wipe 99% of the time, it's probably obvious I'm a buncher.)

Caitlin, I have to say I would have guessed men to be bunchers and women to be folders.

Kim said...

I'm a buncher and proud of it!

And I miss your blog too!

J and M said...

hahahha.I love it.

I think I am a buncher. I've not paid attention. E is a buncher. I'm not sure about J or Miles (:

Matt and Maggie said...

I was a buncher but now I am a folder. I'd never bunch when wiping my kids... sounds too messy and waistful.

Stacey said...

Who has time to think about it? You grabbed the tissue and wipe. You only have 10 seconds before a kid is knocking down your door

The Rogers said...

K I laughed so much at this post! I made Tony read it and he says he is a buncher. I agree with Tasha about it depending on the type of toilet paper. I really had to think about it though;)

Amanda said...

You crack me up!!! Tim is a definite folder and I'm a buncher. Hope that helps with your question!:)

Cindy said...

Ha! This is the funniest question I have ever heard! I think I do both depending on time constraints! ha!

J and M said...

I'm going to haunt you again.........it's January now. More photos (: HahaHA. Unless you are exhausted with child care!!!!