
Piano Pictures

 It is here. And I love it. I pulled out all of my piano books and it is amazing what my brain remembers. I would barely look at the notes and my hands could practically play the whole song. There was one little glitch with the delivery. So I have learned that one of the three legs is longer than the other two and it is important that the longer leg goes on the back otherwise you have a lope-sided piano. Like we had. We called the piano store when we thought it looked funny and they sent the movers back out a couple days later to fix it. 
It is only 4'10". Good thing because when they brought it in I realized how very small our condo is. It seemed much smaller in the store. 

It is perhaps not exactly my style, but this is kind of a starter piano for us. So I'm not too worried about it not being perfect. But I am glad it is not black. I have no love for black pianos. I feel like they have no character. When I saw this cherry colored one I fell in love. It is such a pretty color. 

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

1) I love to listen to you play the piano, and I like it in our condo.

2) I felt bad for the no comment post, especially when you were trying to show off.
