2. Got carded for buying non-alcoholic margarita mix.
3. Went to three stores looking for a picnic basket (can you believe that we don't own one)
4. Couldn't find a said picnic basket (can you believe that we STILL don't own one)?
5. Went on a picnic with Jeff (with food in a paper sack (it's a step up from the regular plastic sack)).
6. Finally went to find out what was at Memorial Park
7. Wasted a good hour and a half at Nebraska Furniture Mart (I could go on every date to NFM)
8. Went to G.I. for the Nebraska State Fair
9. Went to a Demolition Derby for the first time ever
10. Ate a deep fat fried Twinkie for the first time.
This is the girls at the D.D. my camera died before I got any pictures of the cars. Look at the picture above and see how dirty Lauren's hands are. It was so windy at the fair and sand would just blow into your eyes. I came home and felt so dirty. There was even dirt in the girls' ears.